My baby is 11months old and from yesterday he has been vomiting forceful after eating. He has vomited thrice from yesterday randomly not after each feed. Otherwise he is ok. No fever, no fuzziness. He feels gud after vomit. What cud be cause . Shall I take him to doc. Plz help. Worried.
But that's not the correct way, over feeding is the reason for vomiting. Over feeding happens when you distract the baby and feed, hope you are aware of negative impacts of screen time feeding. I have done a post on this do read.
01 Nov 2019
Tejal D
I lay him on back elevated with pillow , show him songs on mobile then feed him , porridge , nor thick nor too runny <span style="color:#3B5998;"><b> @5fedec01cccb6d0014097596 </b></span>
01 Nov 2019
Rebecca Prakash
Hi how does he eat? On his own or you distract him by showing mobile, tv or something else?
28 Oct 2019
Sowmya Prithvi
Yes please take to doctor if baby is having vomiting again, it could be of indigestion also, or stomach upset.. give baby more water..
Rebecca Prakash
01 Nov 2019