My baby is 2 months old. Since last 15 days his sleeping pattern has changed totally. Earlier he used to sleep for sometime on his own. But now he just can not go to sleep if not on lap. I am not exaggerating but he is always on the lap. He sleeps there but as soon as I keep him down,he us up within mins. I do everything to make him feel warm,cosy and secure. I wrap my arms around him, swaddle him,rock him but nothing seems; to work. He goes to deep sleep but it's surprising how he wakes up real soon when kept down. There isn't any issue of burping. I make him burp as well. Because of this i sleep with him in my arms only. That's the only way I can catch some sleep.;
Any of you going through the same? Hope this is just a phase.
20 Jan 2018
Reeti Sharma
Going through this... 😩
12 Jun 2018
Niveditha Rambhajan
my baby used to be like this..after 4th month only her sleep pattern was normal..its a phase..for me feeding in lying position did help..
21 Jan 2018
Deepa Kr
Hi,seriously I am also facing the same issue most of the time he will get sleep after 4 am.
21 Jan 2018
Manvi Bhandari
Hi anon, its just a phase.. my baby still does so if she sleeps in eve with full tiring day of activness. Try to feed baby sideways nd slowly slowly when baby sleeps, just keep ur hand for sometine on baby to feel him ur touch. Try this for few days. It worked with me. Also when baby goes into deep sleep nd then we put him on bed, baby sleep gets disturbed nd he wakes up. Better to immediately put baby on bed as soon as baby sleeos and u also sleep aside with baby
21 Jan 2018
Pooja Dixit
This is just a phase dear . Just keep on trying . Swaddle tight and keeping pillows near bum might help <br>
Reeti Sharma
12 Jun 2018