I am living with my in laws and i am working too on part time not full time
I feed all his meal and daily work
From last few days he used to say everytime to me
Mom jao... and he goes to the lap of dadi and dadu
One reason is they never say anything to him and make him watch tv and i am person in whole family who has to stop for wrong doing
Everyone says in family mummy maregi dategi mere naam se darana
In this situation what to do agar mein na roku tou 24 hrs tv chalta hain ghar me and he will not have single meal
vrinda aggarwal
19 Jul 2019
sonam patel
Oho... Sometimes it's really hard to make others understand.
22 Jul 2019
Kavita Sahany
Hmm.. understand dear... keep trying .. will be fine soon as the school hours will increase then engage the baby in hobby classes. All will be well.. don't worry.. Tc
22 Jul 2019
vrinda aggarwal
<span style="color:#3B5998;"><b> @616d062ac1b4770013bc727e </b></span><span style="color:#3B5998;"><b> @61321b91c71eba0013440537 </b></span> agreed and i did all that for an hour or 2 they understand then again same<br>
Today only fact happen he did something wrong in front of his dadi and not obeying she started saying me just lock him in washroom i said clearly why always i why not u pls u do once atleast scenario changed both of them again started playing <br>
Always its on me
21 Jul 2019
Kavita Sahany
Hi dear.. i understand.. aap aram se baat karen with in-laws and explain that watching tv will impact the health of the baby especially the eyes .. i m sure they will do it for the sake of the baby atleast. Also try to make your time more interesting with the baby (happier than the tv mbl thing )<br>
Play music , run around , behave like a child.. then the child will understand that mommy is a friend .. make outdoor trips to nature, garden n park and tell small stories .. kids connect with nature easily ..
21 Jul 2019
sonam patel
Hii vrinda, we can understand what you feel. Why don't you discuss about this with your husband? It's difficult to keep the child away from television when adults will watch. So, I guess fixing some time duration would be a good idea. Ask your in-laws to read stories to your child. Engage them together in building blocks, sorting games or even scribbling. They too will enjoy and baby too will be doing something productive. You can search for some articles on disadvantages of screen time to baby and read it to them. Also you keep saying your child that you love him. This will supress this maregi dategi wala part and also badle him gently. Better to sit with them over a cup of tea and calmly start saying I don't want to hurt you but he is your child too. And we need to inculcate healthy habits so I am discussing this with you. Hope they understand.
sonam patel
22 Jul 2019