My baby is 3months old, my husband is a very angry person, always finds small mistakes and quarrels with me. he brings my whole family into picture and taunts them as well. yesterday this went to peak and he hit me multiple times, when I discussed this with my MIL she said all fault is mine only, I have to take care of baby, cooking, and hardly find time to sleep. she says everyone manages this just me who cant. I don't​know how long I can live a life like this, I tried to end my life but seeing my little baby I could not take that step. I want to discuss this with my mom but I recently lost my father she is in a big trauma if she listens this she cannot bear the pain. I don't know with whom I can share this. Baby chakra has always been with me. please help me how I can save my baby come out of this weird thoughts .. 😢











Never even think of ending your life.  Your baby needs you the most.  No one can give him the love and care.  Be strong.  Try to talk to your husband about his behaviour and see if it changes or not.  If he doesn't leave for good. Always remember if a woman wants she can do anything in this world  because she's the strongest person God has created.

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Rhituparna Mitra

No words will make it easy for you... You are going through a massive hormonal flux, which is why many women go through post partum depression during this phase. Besides, your baby needs the maximum out of you right now. Every family member should ideally support you in full fledge. If they are not supporting you, remember the following-<br> 1. You are the mother and you will always have the intuitive intelligence to know what's best for baby. Just frame it in your mind. Don't give up on the mother's confidence just because they say you can't manage. Infact, seeking help on BabyChakra itself is a smart thing to do. <br> 2. While relationships are important to be nurtured, it can never be one way traffic and never ever at the cost of your self respect. Build mental and physical strength to resist being beaten up. Announce loud and clear to every family member that they shouldn't abuse you in any way. It is simply not acceptable as a human being. Remind your husband that he is equally responsible for giving birth as well as raising your child.<br> 3. Don't be afraid! You have nothing to lose. Take care of yourself and your baby always. No one will if you don't. Whatever it takes...Even if you have to isolate yourself in a separate room or house. <br> 4. If you think financial independence is important, go for it. After six months, you can opt for a daycare of nanny or seek your mother's help.<br> 5. Last but not the least - Know your rights. This article might be helpful. <a href=""><b><span style="color:#3B5998;">Are you aware of your Legal Rights?</span></b></a> Reach out to us at any step if you need help.

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canvasHD kothrud

Dear anonymous.... Be positive..&nbsp; And look at your babys smile... This will give you a reason to fight for your hard times..time will cure.... Also is your in laws always stays with you?&nbsp;&nbsp; Your husband behavior changes when you only two in house?&nbsp;&nbsp; Because in indian family most times mother n sister teaches their son abt his wife... Typical indian sas bahu drama.. <br> Its good you are qualified n can support yourself... N already thinking abt your baby... My suggestion would be... Try to fight for your justice... By going to your moms place n stay their for few months... Let your husband n in-laws know your will go for divorce (just scare them... Its 21st century n ur educated and independent girl)&nbsp; ...&nbsp; Never care abt society. They will not come to rescue you, society always criticize so who cares.... Just think abt your lil baby... N be strong... Just scare them... You have few monthz hard time but after that your life will be lot easier.... Otherwise they always take you granted.... Good luck...





thankyou everyone for your valuable replies..




asha chaudhry

hey dear just hang in there and surround urself with some positive people like friends. u have lots of time to think about a job later. just focus on ur baby, ur well being and whatever home duties u have. one day at a time :) hugs



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