my baby is 4 months old. she has developed this habit of thumb sucking, i myself being a dentist knows about the consequences of this habit. but honestly, since she has started thumbsucking my life has become so easy. she soothes herself to sleep, her crying spells has reduced drastically. she cries like hell if you take thumb out of her mouth. now i m really confused, what should i do?
Shruti Rawat
12 May 2017
Nazeema Shaheen
haha, Shruti it definitely needs patience ..hang in there and enjoy this phase too . keep a teether handy always n divert her mind instead forcing <u>her</u>
12 May 2017
Shruti Rawat
exactly <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @637296a3649d83001690452e </b></font>, being a dentist i keep a check on her oral habits. but she becomes very cranky if you remove her hands and also she asks for teethers which she could take in her mouth as a whole. she s a crying baby just like her dad. jokes apart i guess she will take some time to get rid of this habit.
12 May 2017
Nazeema Shaheen
yeah Shruti ,many babies develop this habit to soothe them selves but later if it becomes a habit it will be very difficult to stop .try giving teether instead as Priya Sood suggested.being from the same field as urs I feel u might be aware that thumb sucking will cause his teeth to grow outwards.
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12 May 2017
Sonia Gupta
suckling is a milestone which happens at this stage as she is exploring her figures and hands..but you can use teethers rattles or other silicon toys to deviate her☺
12 May 2017
Priya Sood
Hi Shruti. Its a way of giving herself comfort. I know your apprehension. You being a dentist know. But this is a phase and she will grow out. You can also try to find substitute like a teether. any inputs <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @6373e405c1a07300153091c8 </b></font>, <b><font color ="#3b5998"> @616d54748054f30013c57d07 </font></b>, <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @6373e40808ae34001598fdf8 </b></font> tagfwd
Nazeema Shaheen
12 May 2017