My baby is 72 days old and from last 20 days he was having a good schedule of day n night..he used to take naps in day time and in night proper 4 hours sleep in a stretch.whenever he used to wake up from naps he doesn't cry for milk he used to take milk on his own 2.5 hours of time but now from past 4 days he is behaving very weird.he is always hungry always wants milk like in every 30 min .no sleep in day time and in night kind of similar sleep pattern as earlier but day time I can't even have my lunch he is so demanding.he doesn't take naps no play time only feed he wants.please suggest
Shakti Kalra
24 Mar 2019
Vidya rathod
Shakti it's phase and it will pass don't worry. Few babies behave like this due to growth spurt. Means they behave like entirely different than earlier. It will get settled, till then have patience and do take of baby and yourself.
Vidya rathod
24 Mar 2019