my baby is 8 months and is on breastfeed. apart from that once a day I give her dal ka pani, khivhdi, fruits or veggies etc but she takes it very reluctantly. I am willing to breastfeed her for long but I also want her eat. she like to grab a roti or a rusk or wheat biscuit or soup sticks while we eat and loves chewing it with her tiny teeth, 2 up and 2 down. Are there any healthy options available for such foods? please suggest what should be the correct way to develop her eating habbits.
akansha grover
15 Nov 2016
Prithvi Balaji
Hi. best way to feed is you eat your food with her then she will eat what you give, they are smart and want to eat what we eat. It helps them understand that everyone is eating and the reluctance will reduce.
16 Nov 2016
Sonali Shivlani
Let her choose what she like to eat from healthy options. Make sure you are present when she has these hard items as there is a choking hazard. You can give her idli, chilla, dosa, vegetable paratha, thepla etc all as chewable options. Do not force feed and allow her to dictate the quantity.
Prithvi Balaji
16 Nov 2016