My baby is just 3 days old and since I had c sec so cudnt sleep close to now wn I'm trying to feed him two problems r coming one is my nipples are not formed well nor proper milk is coming and when I bring my baby close he refuses to take milk as since he is born he was feeding lactogen ...what to do please help
20 Jul 2018
Rebecca Prakash
Hey congratulations 🎊 my daughter was also fed with nan pro on first 2 days end of 2nd day I tried she latched well and sucked but 3rd day she dint want to. The only thing I did was stopped that nan pro and kept latching, after few attempts she realised she is not Gonna get nanpro so started sucking properly and this is how our exclusive breastfeeding begin and still going steady. Don't worry but keep trying, give lot of skin to skin touch. Once he starts latching you will produce enough milk don't worry about that part.
20 Jul 2018
Revauthi Rajamani
It's just three days, the first and only mantra is latch your baby often, they learn by frequently trying to latch. Once you lo latches the milk supply will increase according to the needs of the baby. Try different positions, ask the nurses to help you out. Nipples issue check with your gynecologist or lactation expert at the hospital to help you out there is a solution tc <u>dear</u>
Rebecca Prakash
20 Jul 2018