Since the time Shifa has born I have been hearing numerous advises on a daily basis..
In the initial days I really took them seriously.Everyone who came to see the baby gave me their own version of Dos and don't..
As a new Mommy I wasnt much sure about what I m doing and what is the correct way.
Some advises were genuine (which I found out after googling and confirming with my pead) Others were far away from being appropriate!!
As the days passed I started settling with my lo.. I found out what is best for her..
I trusted my instincts..
I trusted my doctor more than anyone else!
Yes to be very frank I don't trust anybody regarding my baby (not even my mumma..haha)
Only her dadda can take up the charge or me..
As the days proceeded I learnt to deal with her..
Her cries her discomfort everything started making a sense!
When she is hungry
When she needs a diaper change
When she wants to sleep.. But remember I never stopped getting advises which I still get! Then started her weaning journey Which I will which I will write in a separate post!!
So to all the new mommies sitting there and going through all these..
Stop there Take a DEEP BREATHE
RELAX This is a phase
It will pass and u will only learn from it
Give ur little one some time to settle in this new world
From the cosiness of ur womb he/she is out here wearing the diapers,wearing the clothes which is not obviously not as soft ur skin !
Give some time girl
U will come out shining like a star! 🌟
People will make you feel as if you are a lesser mom !
Remember nobody is perfect!
We learn from our mistakes right?? Trust ur baby more than anyone else and believe me ur journey will easy! Stop bothering about others
Stop stressing yourself!! ENJOY THIS BEAUTIFUL PHASE!!
Do share see of the weirdest advisea you got in the early days of motherhood?
Mine was-
Let the baby cry for half an hour at least so that she becomes strong!
Kavita Sahany
10 Jul 2019