My baby not passed stool since eight days and passed toilet 15 times around so is there any problem
hamsa lekha
08 Mar 2019
Dr.Priyanka Patel
if it has already been a days then I will advise you to see your pediatrician do not worry 1 normal saline enema will be given to your baby and it is not a big procedure so do not worry and do not be afraid of it but if we wait more than this then there any chances that even if your baby does potty it will lacerate or there will be bleeding because of the delicate intestine may be rubbed because of tight hard stools so I will advise you to see your pediatrician today only and this is just a 5 minute procedure your doctor will put an enema and the baby will feel relaxed in half an hour
Dr.Priyanka Patel
08 Mar 2019