my baby now 44 days old.ystrday i chkd it is 7.5 range.birth time was its normal.7.5 percntage is any prblm.
Aswathy Arunnath
29 Apr 2017
Dr. Shilpitha
mainly jaundice in newborns are of three types- <br>
Physiological Jaundice: occurs due to high concentration of red blood cells and immature liver function, usually appears 2-4 days after birth and resolves in 1-2 weeks (3 weeks if premature). It is not associated with underlying disease or disorders. <br>
Pathological jaundice: is always considered if jaundice develops in the first 24 hours after birth, or if levels are very high from 24 hours to 10 days of age, or the baby shows signs of serious illness. Breast milk jaundice: occurs 5-7 days after birth, typically peaks at 14 days and can last as long as a few months. It's thought to be caused by an increased concentration of an enzyme (β-glucuronidase) in breast milk. Breast milk jaundice is common in breastfed babies and is physiologically normal and nothing to worry about.<br>
now please tell which type of symptom he had...<br>
as <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @616d51e8ca67e40013aa9222 </b></font>said its on higher side because baby is 44 days old.. so need of a pedea opinion..
30 Apr 2017
Aswathy Arunnath
my baby faced one thing.during feeding time he passes yellow clor fluid like watery or honey.his dress always wet by this. whhat is this. is this depend on bilirubin .or depend it b solved
29 Apr 2017
Jayashri G
<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @616d51e8ca67e40013aa9222 </b></font>Thanks for clarification
29 Apr 2017
Dr Payal
newborn jaundice is very common but it disappears by itself in 2 or max 3 weeks. whether jaundice is a concern or not depends on many factors such as level and timing of appearance, how fast its rising, etc. A level of 7.5 in a baby older than a month is on higher side. whether this is normal breast milk jaundice or not would need more details to understand. i wud suggest to get an opinion on this.<br>
<b><font color ="#3b5998"> @59b295be876b146ae257529c </font></b>- u have explained the common scenario of levels dropping within a week. but this doesnt apply fr the 44 day baby.<br>
also tagging <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @616d5a27c1b4770013bcb718 </b></font>. what say?
Dr. Shilpitha
30 Apr 2017