my baby only eats watching TV..if TV is not there it is a difficult task to feed her so I need to put on TV while feeding..does this habit cause any pbm to her eyes.. pls advise
Hima Sreenath
22 Apr 2017
manveen dua
My son was addicted!! I carried my iPad where i went!! it was getting impossible. one day i decided to end this because somewhere (sorry to say this) we mom's inculcate these habits in our kids. we sat at the table and i told him the iPad had conked and so had the TV. it took me a few days of persistence and patience and finally we were 'meal time TV free!'
22 Apr 2017
asha chaudhry
hi this is a problem all parents face at some time. how old is ur child? pls try and substitute tv with music, colourful dishes, mats, family time at dining table, a toy buddy next to ur child etc. try and have a friend over who has a child of same age - make them both sit at table. good luck! <b><font color ="#3b5998"> @624bedd6781951001a0621e5 </font></b> <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @6371410cd28b060015d91493 </b></font> #tagfwd
22 Apr 2017
Sheeba Vijesh
ofcourse, it is not only problem for eye, but several other priblems. like she will get addicted to tv, she will not know what she is eating- means will not enjoy food, she will tend to overeat. try to get her off tv.. she may throw tantrums, but she will eat when hungry. in the long run that is what is best for her
manveen dua
22 Apr 2017