My baby sneezes every day 10 15 times a day. He even has blocked nose many times. Is he having old and is it okay if he sneezes.
snigdha sahoo
28 Mar 2017
Roopashree Siddireddy
Hai Snigdha. Switch off ac when you are giving oil massage to baby. And also.. if he is sneezing after bath means... you are taking too much time for his bath. Always make sure to give quick bath. And after bath... immediately wipe dry. Apply moisturiser and make him wear clothes. Don't use "powder" to dust him. Let the Ac temperature be of body temperature. Morning and evening take baby out of room... put AC on to high cooling and switch on fan as wel. Let it cool for about an hour. then switch off ac. After half an hour you can be in that room. No need to be continuously in ac. Baby takes time to develop immunity. Blocked nose can be due to crying as wel. Take care.
28 Mar 2017
ila bharati
snigdha baby body r like ours only one thing my dr told me that one cloth more a baby should wear then us in summer one more cotten cloth in winter one extra woolen. for example if u r wearing cotten top in summer than child should wear one extra. but i think it is depends .do not overclothing ur child. small baby cant distribute their body temp evenlly as we unko comfortable n loose cptten cloth hi pahnao.
28 Mar 2017
snigdha sahoo
Thank you.  He does that after bathing.  What could be the signs of cold. He has nose congestion many times.  And we sleeping him in AC could that be a reason. AC temperature is 25 and I cover him top to toes with cap and <u><u>socks</u></u>
Roopashree Siddireddy
28 Mar 2017