My baby's birth has brought the biggest change in my life. When i got married i thought it to be the biggest event/ turning point in my life, but alas it wasn't. Getting married is a cosmetic change, a change of place and people you live with; but becoming a parent, esp. mother stirs your soul, changes your mental abilities and pushes you beyond your physical capabilities, it is life changing in every way. Since the day i bacame a mother things started happening that had never happened before.. sleep became a luxury that we couldn't afford for 3 long months> more than 90 days.. we went sleep deprived. I wouldn't call it the best time, but we did sail through, everybody does. Being a mother made me highly efficient I have never felt so efficient before in my life. I can multi-task, take shower in 2 minutes( even maggi takes longer to cook),dress up carrying him in my arms, cook multiple things or do multiple chores while carrying this little boy , my latest accomplishments being the loo visits with him on my lap. In fact my career stints where i was handling multiple profiles could never neither make me this efficient,nor this content. My salary account may be stagnant or dwindling but i haven't felt so rich in life before. Parlour visits, grooming sessions don't matter at all and trust me i may look bad but haven't felt so beautiful ever before, not even on my wedding day when i had kilos of makeup on.
Cheers to parenthood, motherhood and loads of hugs and love to all lovely mommies out there!! You make this world a better place. Wishing all a very happy World breastfeeding week!!
07 Aug 2017
Pooja Dixit
such a lovely note ☺ feelings reciprocated
08 Aug 2017
Aradhana Sharma
word by word it's so true and connecting...loved your post <u>rashmi</u>
08 Aug 2017
Rashmi Chand
thank you lovely mommies. im new to babychakra..
08 Aug 2017
Shruti Giri
Parlour visits, grooming sessions don't matter at all and trust me i may look bad but haven't felt so beautiful ever before, not even on my wedding day when i had kilos of best line!!!!😘
08 Aug 2017
wow.... such an amazing post... <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @637353c129c20f001575c4fb </b></font>
Pooja Dixit
08 Aug 2017