My c session mummies faced issues like this I got small boil looks nd it broke with pus and blood on left side of stitches, it's painful nd it's 4th month already got c session done on 1st April. I just started normal lifestyle washing baby clothes sitting down and bending and little walks and his happend
hi foram, i m a c-section mom and was on my feet within 24 hrs. i agree wth dr shilpitha. pls consult ur dr asap. tc. and keep us posted.
22 Jul 2017
Rosie Emerald
Hi Foram How are you feeling now?
22 Jul 2017
Neha Gupta
Dear in case of cesarean you have to rest minimum 3 Month and take care about your Food also ... because some case just like you I have already heard it's not good for your health please consult with your doctor immediately.. Tell about everything may be doctor start with re- treatment. but please take rest  more and don't lift havey weight....
Foram Modi
22 Jul 2017