my child does not eat, she only wants milk ? or she wont eat anything... i have tried everything

... nothing works... she vomits ..  its a struggle ! and many other similar queries...
our group is flooded with the same question every single day ! if you force fed ur child then probably that is the precise reason why you are struggling to have a peaceful feeding time.
Why Is It Wrong To Force Your Child To Eat?
There are plenty of reasons why you should not force-feed your kid. For starters, force-feeding imbibes unhealthy eating habits in the child, which stay lifelong.
Some other pointers to consider the next time you push your child to finish his food are:
You force your child to eat healthy in the hope that it will help your child eat in the same healthy way as she grows up. This is a misconception. In fact, studies show that if you force a child to eat something she dislikes, she might develop a lifelong aversion to that food group
Force-feeding results in children eating less in short-term, not more
There is a strong correlation between force-feeding during toddler years and eating disorders like obesity, anorexia and bulimia during adulthood
Your child develops no control over her food habits. This will result in her overeating or under-eating as she grows up
Your force-fed child may develop a strong appetite for sweets and other unhealthy food items
It destroys your child’s appetite
It develops a negative image for food and eating in your child’s mind
It might make them hate food
It might result in vomiting
And most importantly, even if your child refuses a certain healthy food item now, it does not mean that she will not develop a taste for it later. You need to trust the research that has been done on this topic which suggests that your child will eventually be able to like food items she hated as a kid, as long as she

does not associate a negative image to it driven by force-feeding
#forcefeeding #fussyeaters # princyspeaks










Sweety Vats

Nice article. My kid is 1 yr 3 months old and he dont drink milk, curd, sweets, cerelac etc. He only want chatpata khana. He dont even eat plain chapatti, there has to be dal or sabji with it. But i never force him to eat or drink. But to solve the problem, solution are_ make sure you made a habbit to have your meals with the kid(break fast, lunch, dinner). when you make him sit while having meals he will automatically process it in his brain and start to copy your dinning skills like handling spoon, chewing, eating etc. And also he will be habituated to set timings for these meals. Be persistent to just taste him the food what you are eating. But dont force him. once he like the taste he himself ask for it. This is my own experience . May be your toddler may take his own time to settle with it. As my toddler he still dont drink milk. Breast feeding :)




princy khurana

awesome <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @616d55db46822a001361f292 </b></font> u did well :)




Ashika Imthiyaz

totally agree with u <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @5f6e04beabe65c0046932bb8 </b></font> I Neva ever force my child fa feeding... she's completely healthy nd achieving her milestones on time.. more than that.. shes nearly one nd half yrs old.. she learnt to eat herself food... sometimes she may refuce to eat.. that time.. I strongly tell her.. it's meal time u shud finish it.. if she s in hunger she will finish it.. otherwise she won't... as u said.. when v don force.. it's really happy meal time for us.. mostly I see mothers feed babys outside point is.. feed ur baby at family meal time.. baby easily learnt from others..

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princy khurana

u let them self feed. give them soft peices of sauted veges like brocilli, potato, sweet potato, carrots, stripes of paranthas, roti, ommellte, cheela.




Priya Sood

Good perspective what say <b><font color ="#3b5998"> @616d5c785988200013dc45d1 </font></b>, <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @63729556d28b060015d960b5 </b></font>, <b><font color ="#3b5998"> @637319a03f31520016a6a7a1 </font></b><font color ="#3b5998"><b> @5aeac68b4254fb0eaec98c50 </b></font>, <b><font color ="#3b5998"> @6372c705d28b060015d96510 </font></b>, <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @637319c529c20f001575a9a1 </b></font>, <b><font color ="#3b5998"> @6377ff2aab64df0015445de2 </font></b>, <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @637142b42338f60015eaa214 </b></font>, <b><font color ="#3b5998"> @6372f95a573f5c0015bc4268 </font></b>, <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @637a8536ab64df00154519a4 </b></font>,



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