During my third trimester I was at my mummy's place in nashik.
It was a Friday when I hit my;37-week and it felt like any other day and I was showing absolutely no signs of labour...
I told mummy about it & we decided to go to sleep to see if contractions would start on their own during the night.
When I woke up in the morning,;I still wasn’t feeling any contraction. And no baby movement where felt I got scared I went to my doctor Dr Pramod Patil (My treatment was under his Guidance )and told him about what I felt.he examined me and found everything fine my baby heartbeats etc all were good he got my usg done found my baby in "BREECH" Position.having 2loops around neck. I really wanted to have vaginal birth of my baby but due to his postioning and cord loops I had to go for elective c section.
So I had a planned C-secton due to BREECH positioning and 2loops.;I listened to my doctor when he, with his years of experience and medical training, expressed concern that my son would get stuck inside of me. And knowing now how big he was, thank goodness I did listen.i still remember it was raining here heavily that day the whole family was present at the hospital I was lying under anesthesia, feeling helpless yet awake, But on the other, very bright side, the result was a beautiful and healthy baby boy. Luckily, I also healed well without any complications. Thankyou sir Dr Pramod Patil.
Hello dear, do submit your entry here also https://www.babychakra.com/contest/post-submission/59#post-wrapper
12 Jul 2019
Mum_cutecheeks AhiRe
Me myself a doctor but here is my story of my carehero because during my delivery I am a mother and my doctor is my saviour <b><a style="text-decoration:none" href="http://app.babychakra.com/hashtag/careheroes"><font color="#2b5998"><span>#</span></font><font color="#2b5998">careheroes</font></a></b>
Mum_cutecheeks AhiRe
12 Jul 2019