-by NATRAJ I picked up this book from a local fair for Govind. It is a picture book. Big images on white background are visually appealing for the baby. The pages of the book are oil paper. The edges are sharp so baby can't be left unguided or unassisted with the book. At 6 months baby can't follow the letters or images but showing the images and talking about it to the baby helps to bring their attention and improves focus. I spread open the book and let Govind enjoy his tummy time on it. He loves to mouth it and tear it off. I don't let him mouth it though by diverting his attention to another page or another toy.
Govind has already started tearing off the pages. Tearing off pages is also a satisfying activity. It gives them a different sound to explore. It ll also bring them closer to the books.
02 May 2019