My height is 4 feet 11 inches. Because of this I feel like i wont be able to give birth naturally. I also think that i cant bear the pain. I used to have painful periods and always took painkiller medicines whenver periods came. I am so afraid of natural delivery that in my mind i have decided to have a planned c section. I have heard of so many horror stories of natural birth. Is is bad to decide to have a c section only? Is mothers request taken into consideration
28 Jul 2018
Thanks to all of guys have changed my perspective. I think I will opt for normal delivery if its possible at that time.
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04 Aug 2018
valarmathi v
Dont think negative about natural birth. Think positive about delivery. Plz be peaceful.
31 Jul 2018
Sonal Sharma
I suppose its considered but more than your wish it depends on what situation demands . If god has planned it to be a natural birth, nobody can stop it. <br>
But i would suggest wait for natural birth untill n unless your due date gets over . I myself went through a c-section,which i never wanted. From beginning till the last day everything was normal in my case ,even the labour pains have started ,we were just waiting for the delivery but towards the end something unusual happened n the dr had to rush to operate. As far as you are feared of the labour pains ,so these days there are painless injections given which reduces the labour pains . Just check with your dr. Normal delivery is anyday better than ceasarian. Ceasarian looks easy but the aftermaths is too bad . It takes you minimum 3months to get back to normal. Even then the stitches inside are not completely healed and you are not aĺlowed to do all sorts of exercises. Whereas on normal you can get back to your daily chores after one month of rest . <br>
But yes dont think about this too much .. just let it go n enjoy the phase. Whatever will happen will happen for you n your baby's good.
30 Jul 2018
Shraddha Chibde
Don't think about your delivery now you have to concentrate your health and baby . Trust it doc they suggested you good option at the time of <u>delivery</u>
30 Jul 2018
Yes mother's request is considered. Natural birth takes long time and is painful but recovery is fast post delivery. And in c-sec recovery ll b delayed as described above. And the possibility of normal delivery or c-sec all depends on a lot of parameters like how ur pregnancy progresses to term and the condition of the mother, fetus and liquor etc. But having painful periods has nothing to do with it. Due to height, if ur pelvis is a bit small then there will cephalopelvic disproportion. In such a case doctor ll advice for c-sec. But the pelvic size assesment will also be done by the doctor at ur 8th month when near the delivery time. <br>
By 8th month the doctor will suggest about your tentative mode of delivery but everything ll b <u>still</u> uncertain about it. So dear just keep calm, eat healthy, take enough rest be active, practice keigel's excersice to strenthen ur pelvic floor muscles and forget about the mode of delivery. As both the modes have there own pros and cons and in that situation nobody has a hold over it the doctor is ur best decision maker at that time. Whatever it is be prepared and brave enough mentally to face it. Mental strentgh overpowers our bodily weaknesses most of the time. Watch the movie poorna u ll know what determination can do.
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04 Aug 2018