My life chronicles ❤❤ Story about my life , my lifestyle , how do I get so much energy , is there something I can't do ?; There were so many things which was long due .. I finally thought I will pen it down today Born and brought in a liberal but full of principles rajput family .. and have studied business management .; But my passion drew me to the field of aesthetics ..;
I was drawing a fat pay cheque.. life was going good .; I always thought I AM leading the best of life;; until I got married to an airforce officer .. My world turned upside down.. ❤I always had this perception that the dinner parties, ball room dance events, a handsome Gentleman dressed in the honorary UNiform; and other exciting stuff that makes the “royal life” of an officers wife .
But my excitement was short-lived, because soon I realised that life in the military was no ball-room dancing. ;It is very demanding and comes with its pleasures as well as pains. ❤Packing and unpacking household stuff during posting in and posting out, usually once every two years, can be really frustrating. I am married just for almost 2 years and this is our second posting .. in 6 months course we are due for another one 😑😑 ❤I had to leave my job just for the sake of my husband and his duty ..I have met many highly qualified women who have left good jobs for the sake of being there for the husband and children.
❤ I had to adjust to many unfavourable circumstances..and I have learned to live in any circumstance.
❤The most important lesson I learnt was ‘humility’.;Even on a bad day, if there is a social event you may have to attend by compulsion. Your humility is put to test when you have to put on a cheerful face at the party, even if you are frowning inside. There is no room for impatience or arrogance here. ❤i have learnt to;value togetherness. Small things in life gives me immense happiness now. I have stopped cribbing and;live my present to the fullest. Making my people happy and spreading smiles around is what;I look forward to. Defence and defence people has made me a much better person. ❤Most importantly I have started valuing life ..; whatever you have to do .. Do it right now , take charge of your life there is no guarantee you will have the same opportunity tommorow .. ❤ I have learnt this from my husband to love Mother Earth.. be grateful for the life we got and celebrate everyday
the passion, the zeal; to serve the nation is beyond imagination ... The place where I live is so disturbed .. everyday a new attack.. extra duties , so much of tension but I have never seen him cribbing; about it not any of the officers yet ..;; they live their life to the fullest ❤ I have started loving my country , every inch of it ...;;
❤I am so proud and blessed to have a life of an officers wife ... which makes me fall in love with life everyday
🤰🤰my secret mantra for all the mommas Love your life , accept the way it is..;; for this life will never come back One day we will be full of regrets for things not done ..
EMBRACE THE LIFE , THE NATURE , THE SURROUNDING And trust me you will never regret 😍😍many times we don't do things thinking will do it some other day ...
😘 it's too difficult ..
😘I have an infant how can I even cook
😘I have a baby how can I work ?
😘I have a baby , I dont find time to look good
🤔 I am so busy with my career nd babyI can't spare time for my passion 😎😎Stop using your baby as an excuse For motherhood is meant to make you stronger
😎Child should be your strength
😎Child should be your inspiration
Have you ever imagined the struggles our baby goes through everyday ?
They adjust to this wonderworld ... for them everything is new ..
Still no complaints 🤣🤣
Be a momma your child can inspiration in 🤰🤰
I love a Kashmiri saying which they use to describe Kashmir And I use it; describe MY LIFE "GAR FIRDAUS BA-RUYE ZAMIN ASTO
AMI ASTO, AMI ASTO , AMI AST.” The translation is “If there is a heaven on earth, it’s here, it’s here, it's here....
03 Feb 2018
Neeta Malviya
Inspiring 😊
07 Feb 2018
Shraddha Tompe
Inspiring words.... don't use ur child as a excuse... Let baby say my mommy strongest... Loved <u>it</u>
06 Feb 2018
Sonam zarin
Very beautifully the <u>pic</u>
04 Feb 2018
Sumira Bhatia
Beautiful post Nancy!! Love it !! 💞😘😘Much respect to our fauj and the families ! I know it isn't as it looks on the outside !! 💞
Neeta Malviya
07 Feb 2018