My little one is 3 months old. Has cough cold running nose from 10 days. Have tried ajwain ka sekna, malish with sarson +ajwain+lahsoon, have kept kapoor with rice tied near her head for easy breathing, am applying baby vaporub like whenever she is having heavy breathing. Also atleast twice I am giving her steam.. However mild though.
Please guide me how to cure this cough and cold + running nose. P. S. I am in Pune which has cold weather and not so amicable to kids. #asksusan#liveqna
<span style="color:#3B5998;"><b><a href="">5 Home Remedies For Treating Cold In Babies</a></b></span>
25 Oct 2018
Kavita Sahany
<span style="color:#3B5998;"><b><a href="">15 natural remedies to treat your little one's cold and cough</a></b></span>
25 Oct 2018
Kavita Sahany
Hey if it's continuing you can ask your doctor ..keep the room temperature warm for sometime till the baby adjusts should not be placed over head ...<br>
Keep feeding the baby ... mustard oil massage will help ..
Swati Tangerala
25 Oct 2018