My lo a week n half old hadn't slept yesterday from around 3pm in the afternoon till around 11.30 pm in the night in between which he had taken feeds at around 4.30,8.45(from both breasts) + topfeed as he just wouldn't stop crying n din take the breast again.
N then slept from 12 till 7.. Is it fine??? Tried waking him bit still he don tk the breast for feed.
Krutika Gor
08 Dec 2018
Aditi Ahuja
Actually it's an erratic sleeping schedule which is very normal for this age new borns which leads to disturbance in feeding suggestion will be to wake up the baby every 2-2.5 hours by picking up.. tickling under the feet or behind the ears and offering Breastmilk..even in sleepy phase if you offer, and try and put aerolar portion inside..then they take and sleep feed..and again make the baby lie along your shoulder and Burp..if wakes up ok..else will again sleep..
08 Dec 2018
Rebecca Prakash
Hi not okay. 15 days old need feeds every 2 hours, even sleeping he has to be waken up and fed. And please stop formula, understand the benefits of Breastfeeding. Also read on SIDS when baby sleeps continues for these many hours, you are basically filling the baby's tummy with heavy formula milk. Please don't do that.
08 Dec 2018
Renuka Pillai
Baby must be suffering from colic, ur supposed to feed after every 2 or 3 hrs.pls continue to feed from breast.i vl suggest u to giv breastmilk only,from the start if u giv bm ur milk production vl increases baby vl get sufficient milk.after evry feed do burp takes tym for baby to adapt to environment.he vl b fyn .kip him close to u..comfort him if baby cries continuously pls take him to dr.
08 Dec 2018
Revauthi Rajamani
Any reason why you chose to formula feed. Its recommended that you feed breast milk exclusively for six months. It seems like colic, once you start offering formula milk in bottles they would not like to breastfeed. If youe lil one's pee count is six to seven times a day and active please don't offer formula dear. <br>
Do tag me us to help you further. Will tag Rebecca for her inputs <br>
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Aditi Ahuja
08 Dec 2018