My lo vomited a lot after having formula an hour before. He didn’t burb after having the formula. Also he was having fever yesterday and is having antibiotics. Why did he vomit? I got panic seeing him puking a lot. Should i go to a pediatrician?
Manikyam Cherthedath
01 May 2019
Rebecca Prakash
It may be because of Antibiotics but why antibiotics for such a small baby Manikyam? Only if there is Bacterial infection Antibiotics is recommended. If not simple paracetamol even for viral infection. Please take a 2nd opinion before giving the next dose, reduce the formula amount and breast feed more, your skin to skin touch and comfort is very important now. Keep us posted.
01 May 2019
Bhoomi Thakkar
Babies generally don't like the taste of antibiotics so it is normal for their appetite to decrease when on antibiotics dosage. Ask your doctor if they would like to start a probiotic for your baby like enterogemina. It helps build appetite in babies. <br>
Also, burping is very very important till the baby starts to sit.<br>
To make sure baby doesn't puke out any medicine, drip the medicine onto the back of the baby's tongue from the side. This way it won't touch his/her taste buds. <br>
Hope this helps you :)
Rebecca Prakash
01 May 2019