My wife is suffering from severe cold and cough from last 7 days, what should I do? Which medicine or precaution should to take?
Aditya Jaiswal
03 Mar 2019
Dr.Priyanka Patel
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if your wife is coming day and night so we have to understand is it a dry cough which will sound more force and the throat will be painful or a wet cough which will cause blocking of nose as well as vomiting sometimes in both the cases it is very important to see a physician aur gynecologist for auscultation and an antibiotic will be given if fever is coming so please measure her body temperature is when it should not be more than 98 degree fahrenheit for cold blocked nose it is very important to give her steam carbol plus capsules are very helpful you can just put one capsule in boiling water and let her take the steam also applying Vicks taking one complete tablespoon of honey with Ginger powder or short powder is very helpful in dissolving the mucus there are many mucolytic medications which can be given and are safe in pregnancy you should consult your physician first do not worry
Dr.Priyanka Patel
03 Mar 2019