After a long wait for labour symptoms, my doc scheduled last sonography on 24.03.18 to check my AFI level as it was always low in previous scans. As expected it had dropped down further to 6-7 level. Hence, doctor decided to induce me the next day at night.

As decided I got admitted on 25.03.18 at 9.45 pm. Immediately doctor induced me at 10 pm after giving my enema.

By 10.15 pm I had started feeling slight periods like cramps inside the labour room itself. Seeing this nurses said looks like you'll be done with delivery before morning. And I was so relieved to hear that. But God had different plans for me. My cervix was dilated to only 2cms hence I was;then shifted back to my room. Doctor sent my MIL and mom back home as she knew it's going to take time.😞

Slowly as time passed pain started to increase and the time intervals become less. Nurses kept checking the baby's position after every one hr. My husband was besides me all night assuring me everything is going to be fine.;

I got disappointed as the intensity of pain dropped down as the sun started showing up by 7am. Doctor visited to check my status at 8.30am and decided to give me injection to increase the contractions. But before that I was asked to have breakfast since I was empty stomach from last 10hrs. After breakfast I was injected at around 10am.

The pain started again and we all were waiting for the doctor to visit me and declare that I am ready for delivery. But unfortunately when doctor came at 2pm she said let's wait for some more time..;

The clock kept ticking and contractions kept increasing but according to nurses the baby was still much away from the birth canal. At 4pm I was again given enema to clear out my tummy. Uff ..

At 6pm doctor came to check status of my cervix which was 3-4 cms dilated which meant that I have bear this pain for some more time. Ohh god...But now I had lost patience and told my hubby that "I can't take it anymore. Please get my C-section done." He calmed me down saying "let's wait till 9pm otherwise I will tell doctor to go ahead with C-section". Thanks to @Priti Singh 's my delivery story. Knowing that my husband is emotionally weak and can't see me in such pain, I had prepared my husband that I might say such lines due to unbearable pain but you have to somehow convince me for not going for C-section unless doctor recommends.. hehe..😉 My relatives were sent back home again. Only my husband and mom were asked to wait.

At 6.30pm I was then given the last injection to induce more pain. And it worked wonders. Minutes later I had intense pain and I kept saying get my C-section done but hubby handled me very calmly( And I really love him for this😍). He even kept giving me back massage whenever contractions occured. Now I had realized instead of pleading for C-section I should practice the breathe in breathe out technique that I have been practicing during my entire pregnancy phase(I know I was late in realizing this; but not too late☺️). In between the pain intervals I used to shut my eyes and rest. Sometimes I even fell asleep. Lol.;

By 8pm I started getting the feeling of pushing and the nurses rushed me to labour room. For the first time in last 22hrs I was happy to go to labour room as I knew the time had come. Nurses checked the baby's position which had now drifted down and was engaged but still my cervix wasn't dilated much. Now whenever I used to get contractions I used to push. Nurses asked me not to do so as I might get exhausted till the climax but I couldn't control my urge and kept pushing with the hope that it might help baby come out faster. At the same time I saved my energy by not screaming or by shedding a single drop of tear during the contractions(For which my doctor and nurses praised me later..😊).;

The nurses kept the doctor updating about the status of my cervix. I could now see all the preparations being done around me. I was waiting for the clock to strike 9.. Finally the doctor came at 9.45pm and she announced that my cervix is now 8-9cms dilated. Hurray!!☺️ My husband immediately called my family members and relatives and I could hear all the hulla gulla outside the labour room.

I was now asked by doctor to push during the contractions. I kept trying for another half and hour but all my efforts were going in vain. Doctor realized that my baby's head is in flex position. So she immediately went out to inform my husband and get his permission to do episiotomy.(I could literally hear whatever she was speaking with him) After reading all the articles related to delivery on Babychakra I had even educated my husband with all these terms.. And I felt proud of myself. Hehe😉

Mins later she went ahead with it and I was asked to push again.. After a lot of unsuccessful attempts there came a time when I could hear my doctor screaming loudly "Amruta, push if you want to see your baby early".. And I pushed with all my energy.. Suddenly I could feel something popped out of me and I could hear my baby's first cries at 10.59pm on 26.03.18. It was the most soothing sound ever. My tiny little wonder was looking at me with eyes wide open. Seeing her I forgot all the pain I had gone through. That moment I can't ever forget in my life. It was like a re-birth. But this time it was birth of a mother within me.😊

So finally I was in labour for long exhausting 25hrs. But it was all worth it. It was indeed the most amazing experience of my life and I wish all to-be mommies of Babychakra too get this experience.☺️;

(Excuse me for the long post and for being a bad story teller)











Thanks for explaining in so much detail @6084222b8f307a0013ec9f44




Amruta Naik

Haha. It's perfectly fine to be scared at this moment <b><span style="color:#3B5998;"> @616daa4bb34e550013ec4521 </span></b> . All I meant is sometimes there's no need of episiotomy if the baby is descending properly through birth canal. And the stitches are dissolvable and heal within few weeks.





Thanks @6084222b8f307a0013ec9f44 for clarifying. Nd yes I have heard that too that contraction pains are so intense that u won&rsquo;t feel pain of episiotomy, which sounds even scarier &#128563; u have also written &lsquo;usually done under local anaesthetia&rsquo;, which means doctor may not give local anaesthesia too&#128563; sorry but feeling too scared&#128532;




Amruta Naik

Hey <b><span style="color:#3B5998;"> @616daa4bb34e550013ec4521 </span></b>, no questions is silly my dear. The incision you are talking about is called episiotomy. An episiotomy is an incision made in the perineum, the tissue between the vaginal opening and the anus. It's usually done giving a local anaesthesia. The pain of <u>contractions</u> is so intense that you won't realize when it's done. But it's not necessarily done in all cases.





Congratulations ur baby is super cute&#129303; just have a very silly question @6084222b8f307a0013ec9f44 during normal labour, have heard doctors do an incision/ cut on your vagina to help baby to come out. Is the incision/ cut done under anaesthesia?



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