This concept when spoken about to many educated people gets scorned upon & called names like regressive, old school, superstitious & dakiyanusi... We had a couple of episodes with Niki in the past one month the latest being yesterday... she would wake up in the middle of the night & cry incessantly. Tried it all including giving her meds... this would go on for an hour & finally I would request Rakesh to do it. Salt & Mustard seeds is all we use most times... moving it a clockwise direction 3 time in close proximity especially when they are asleep, has always brought results in 5-10 mins, where she turns & goes back to sleep peacefully through the remaining night.. Why I brought it up here?
Things our Ancestors told us most times have a scientific reason... the issue is we do not understand the nuances of the same. Salt for all practical reasons is one of the best absorbers of negative energies & germs in the atmosphere.
Next time a senior family member asks U to do something, please Google up, talk to knowledgeable people, evaluate the probabilities logically before striking it down! Have U also experienced this?
Please share your experiences with any such "NOT SUPPOSED TO BE SCIENTIFIC" advise... Would love to learn & find its scientific bearing myself 🙏
06 Feb 2021
amardeep mann
I also mostly use salt bt anticlock wise n same after 10-15min my small kid calms down.. usually she used to cry without any hard reasons ..den I do dis..
amardeep mann
02 Mar 2021