Need advice... i don know why but my 19 dazs old baby gets very fussy after 5 pm.. whole day she is just quite n calm no crying... she sleeps automatically during day but as sun sets she gets very fussy n crancky...she just need to b feed all d tym.. almost 2 hrs i hve to take her n sit... as soon as she is out of my lap she wakes up n start crying.. n dus continues till 12 am daily... den she sleeps... i don know wat could b d reason..; neone facing same situation???
Mini Joshi
21 Mar 2018
Merline Joffy
It's just a phase.; Don't conclude that she is colic.; By baby had the same thing,; in first month.; She starts crying by 8 nd sleeps by 11 pm.; But it subsided by its own.; Feed her nd take <u>help</u> of other family members.; Give massage to tummy in clockwise direction with hing paste or warm water.; Let him do small exercise with leg nd hands like bending legs to stomach etc.;
22 Mar 2018
Reshma Kudva
For 19 days old this seems normal. At least she is sleeping after 12am. Try and be patient from 5 to 12. Feed her as much as possible to comfort her. Get some sleep before 5 so that you are not sleepy and irritable during that period. This is just a phase and will pass soon!
22 Mar 2018
Rebecca Prakash
Anon I went through this 3 to 6 weeks babies are like that, PLEASE DO NOT PUT HER IN COLIC LIST AND GIVE HER COLIC AID. I too thought she is a Colic but the mother in me dint accept that.. As I believed my daughter was not Colic and her paed confirmed . Are you breastfeeding? If yes then chances of she being Colic is less. Apply hing paste on her navel.. This too shall pass. She will be alright after 6 weeks..
22 Mar 2018
Vipra Naik
Look like <u>colic</u>
21 Mar 2018
Shreya Singh
lukn like colic symptom<br>
Spk to ur doc abt colicaid drops
Merline Joffy
22 Mar 2018