need help .my mother always creates problem that i dont help her in house hold work my son is two year old and i cannot bslance both she has spoiled my relstionship with my sis father everyone.tdy ma father bet my son doesnt know how to handle this...should i stay away from he
Shabeena Muhammed
18 May 2017
Sheeba Vijesh
hi dear, it takes quite some hard work to balance home, baby etc. but with a little planning, its all manageable. for eg. there will be times when baby sleeps or plays with someone in home. you can help out at that time. i wake up early to fit in house chores, its tough because baby does not sleep well through the night, but its the only way i can manage. then i get to rest in afternoon while baby naps. in order to not spoil relations, we have to work around somehow... by now your baby is predictable and will have a routine, if not, do work on it... then you can have some routine for yourself too... you can do it girl! 😊👍
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18 May 2017
Priya Sood
Hi sweety! A big hug. Managing a child is very tough. Household chores are there and you need to rest as well. Now that baby is 2 its a great idea to enroll in a playschool nearby. That will give you sometime. Also its hard to balance as a mom thats why we have support systems. If mil would like some help in chores why not talk and see what you can do like breakfast or lunch etc. Do you have a play pen at home? Your child is old enough to also have some alone time while you do your chores. Housechores are a common reason for conflict but its on us to ensure we dont let that harm relations. maybe others can pitch in. Eg fil can take baby for a stroll in evening.
18 May 2017
asha chaudhry
hi anon. first take a deep breath and calm down. a big babychakramomgrouphug to u! pls first hold ur son and calm him down. after that calmly speak to ur parents and reason out with them. is there a playschool nearby? if so after summer break try and put him in playschool so he can play and interact with kids of his age, learn and enjoy! that will give u some free time for home and urself. and hopefully solve some issues. dont lose heart.  <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @6372999217d2c800158d8bec </b></font> <b><font color ="#3b5998"> @61321b91c71eba0013440537 </font></b> <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @616d0591b34e550013eb9a72 </b></font> pls advise
Sheeba Vijesh
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18 May 2017