Need some urgent help. Baby A's eyes are becoming very red .. not sure why this is happening .. it's been happening post our trip to Delhi. Any advice ?
Naiyya Singh
23 Oct 2019
Dr.Priyanka Patel
Be watchful of swelling if there isint right now check again in morning, let me know we will start ciplox for her, and do not worry. <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @619aaf438bcf860013572f59 </b></font>
23 Oct 2019
Dr.Priyanka Patel
Have you noticed that baby is unable to sleep well , is she trying to rub her eyes by putting her hands together towards ear or eyes ,she is getting cranky and when she is sleeping in morning you can see thick rust on the corners of both sides of the eye if it is so then do not worry yes because of pollution and sensitivity it happens in kids upto age of 5 the only. That would differentiate it from allergy as if she is having a fever also check for swelling. If she is having a fever please check with the head thermometer or with normal thermometer you can put it under her armpits and check if it is above 100 then you need to see your pediatrician if no temperature is noted baby is doing just fine fever swelling not noted anything else then I will advise you to start with olopat/ciplox eye drop speak to a nearby physician do not worry as redness symptom must be checked in both the eyes in the conjunctival membrane. You can use saline solution to clean her eyes but better to start with eye drops they will help in cleaning no need to put extra water. <a href=""><b><font color ="#3b5998">Naiyya</font></b></a>
23 Oct 2019
sonam patel
May be some allergy or conjunctivitis. Better to take her to the opthalmologist.
23 Oct 2019
priyanka arora
It can be because of dust or pollution just clean his eyes with clean wet cotton softly regular after small intervals and u must consult doctor regarding this as he can tell u better after examination
23 Oct 2019
Rebecca Prakash
Hi Naiyya, it may be because of the air pollution. Sore throat, stuffy nose and eyes irritation are the effects. Give it a day if it doesn't subside consult doctor.
Dr.Priyanka Patel
23 Oct 2019