#NutritionWeek#NutritionTip#FruitHack for fussy toddlers!
Long post alert. I'm weaving in my own toddler story as well.
I studied in a French nursery for one year (that's a different story!). And for a snack, we were told to bring one fruit everyday. We would all sit together in a circle and eat our own fruit. But before eating, we were expected to say the name of the fruit in French, which we did! (that was the only french i learnt, and have forgotten after 40 years so please don't quiz me or tag me on french questions!!!!)
Long story short, that ensured we ate at least one fruit everyday (oh and we had to bring different fruits on different days!)
Now when my childoo was a young toddler, i had this brainwave and suggested something to the nursery/kg/1st std teachers every year. HAVE A FRUIT BREAK! They would have a regular recess, but being small, wouldn't be able to eat much at one time. So I suggested, an hour before they left school, give them a short fruit break! And thankfully her class teachers agreed those 3 years! All I would do is chop one fruit into bite sized pieces and put it in the small box inside the tiffin.
Worked like magic for the whole class!
I actually miss that stage where teachers and kids were open to fruit ideas! Now she refuses to carry a fruit. So I have to manage to squeeze it in between lunch and her 5pm milk time!! Phew! Not easy now that she is a tween!
How do you ensure your baby/childoo has at least one fruit a day?! Do share your #FruitHack !
07 Sep 2017
asha chaudhry
<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @616d0697202a1a001308d3f5 </b></font> thats when they were super small. <u>sigh</u>
09 Sep 2017
Priya Iyer
<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @63729b593f31520016a69b80 </b></font>, I loved the fact that Aarini's school was open to suggestions from a parent..this calls for a post from one of my favourite books on a similar practise! Let me just look it up
09 Sep 2017
<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @63729b593f31520016a69b80 </b></font> , Aanya eats most of the fruits. Water melon and mangoes are her favourite
07 Sep 2017
Nazeema Shaheen
my kid eats bananas like a monkey does 😁it's his favourite ,no other fruit 😔I pack bananas for his snack <u>break</u>
07 Sep 2017
<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @63729b593f31520016a69b80 </b></font> my son school have snack time and lunch time.. snack time has to be small snack box and it should be fruits or dry fruits... so 90% of time I pack fruits.. <br>
having said that my son is picky choosy fruit eater. he don't eat watermelon or papaya happily..
asha chaudhry
09 Sep 2017