On previous post I described about the baby's first rice eating ceremony which is also called as annaprashan through that ritual our baby who is 6month old ,get to know about the taste of different flavours like sweet salty and sour.other than breast milk. ; ; ; In this post I m going to tell u about how to start feeding solid to baby.
; ; ; ;Like other moms I was also having worries that how should I start feeding to my son then I was told by mil about nachini of raagi; .then I started giving him two to three teaspoon of that nachini.he started to refusing and spit out; all by making faces as he was saying I didn't like it 😊then afternoon l tried again with little without any emotions he swallowed it and he liked it which; also gave me little satisfaction 😊 .we can also start feeding them in three times like morning afternoon and evening . It will also get in habit.
; ; ; We should not worry if our baby doesn't swallow food don't give up just try again.Every; children has its own understanding some will learn quickly to eat food from spoon and others will have less intrest.you can increase the amount of food over a couple of days As they start to eat solid food you can give them little more if u feed.even if the toddlers take food alone with the spoon we should watch them carefully
When we introduce different kind of food your, baby's poo will change in colour and texture it's normal we should try to give them mashed meat which is Cooked without salt, steamed vegetables; in little water.you can give fruits by smashing them .;
;The taste of babies; food can be bland to u .but they will enjoy its simple taste.we should not add salt sugar or any other spices to baby's food
; ; None a days the weather is very hot so we can; give them plenty of fluids to prevent them from dehydration.we should give them cooled boiled water.
; ;
; ; ;I hope this post would be helpful for all other; momstars so please share the experience about how u started feeding foods to ur cute; baby and what was their reaction which will be; unforgettable moments for every mother
13 May 2019
amardeep mann
Thank you fr sharing
14 May 2019
Kuljeet kaur
<span style="color:#3B5998;"><b> @616d9103c1b4770013bcfd0d </b></span> it's fine dear .......😊😊😊😊
14 May 2019
Smitha Prabhav
@616db8da9dc2de0015c75156 ..I guess I read your earlier comment wrong. Sorry
14 May 2019
Mahima Atishaya
Helpful post <span style="color:#3B5998;"><b> @61321afe72030000142f22c7 </b></span>
amardeep mann
14 May 2019