One of the biggest challenge that the parents are facing is managing the child behaviour.Question comes to mind ,What is Child behaviour??Any obsevable response of a child from 24 months through 12 years of age is child behaviour.When the refusing to put on their shoes or throwing full-blown tantrums,then wr can find ourselves at a loss for an effective way to respond. Sometimes it is difficult to understand the behaviour of achild.We all face this problem.As my son Vyaan is of 2 years n 4 months,even it is sometimes difficult for me to understand his behaviour.When sometimes he refuses to eat,then i offer him his favourite toys,take him outside to eat by watching cow or dog,makes him to sit in his rider or cycle,sometimes also make him to play with water,but inspite of all this,he refuses to eat.Then i pretend infront of him that mom will not talk to him .Sometimes he cry n sometime comes to me n hug me.Sometimes he throw things to show his anger.But after sometime he relax n this makes me happy. So we need to understand the behaviour of child and analyse the situation with patience n love.This is the right time when we can mould their behaviour into good one.There are some points by which we candeal with child behaviour problems:-
Sania Bhushan
01 Jul 2019