One of the requested experience was how to make a child sleep through the night. Spoiler alert : my 19 month old still wakes up at night few times for feeding, sometimes hysterically crying and I am sailing in the same boat too, but trust me it will get better!!

To start off with sleeping through the night is by itself a developmental milestone like crawling and walking that each baby will attain in their own sweet time. There are newborns to few months old who sleeps through the night and 4-5yr old who wakes up at nights. So as we say, every baby is different.


Major Reasons for toddler waking up at nights :😴😴😴

✏️Sleep regression - this by itself is a very big topic. Child will go through 4-5 sleep regression phases in first few years

. ✏️ Taking too long naps

. ✏️ Overtired at bed time makes it difficult to settle to sleep

. ✏️ Teething ( currently my daughter's molars are erupting) - teething pains are more at night so they do wake up seeking comfort through feeding

. ✏️Any illness - has been recently ill and is recovering.. ✏️ Growth spurts or developmental milestones like learning to walk/talk coming up

. ✏️ Digestive issues - be light at dinner time

. ✏️Extended or Screen time nearing bed time etc

. ✏️ Routine not followed properly , .

Identify if your baby is going through any of this and altering the routine like for me putting her to bed a little early and not letting her to be overtired before bed worked to an extent. If it's due to any developmental milestones hang in there.. This phase will pass. I know as a Mom it's extremely tiring to get no sleep through the night and waking up next day to run behind these little ones is frustrating. It's more difficult on the child as well. Coz their little brains are extremely active at nights trying to connect the neurological wires inside that they learn and register during the day. It will get better with time. Let's be there for them. Let's together hang in there #sleepregression
#toddlersleeptips #toddlerwakingupatnight #sleepingthroughthenight #teethingbaby #sharingexperiences #momofatoddler










Madhavi Cholera

much helpful post :)<br> Thanks for sharing dear!!


