Overcome fear from sound surround Shee Shi si si....siti.... Cooker ki siti! My baby used to cry whenever she heard the whistle of pressure cooker, so I decided to make it a fun thing.
I started singing "Shee Shi si si....siti.... Cooker ki siti! "
My house is near a marriage hall where celibrations are a daily affair. The sound of drums and crackers used to scare my baby. So I started telling her ' dhum dhum dhol' and ' pat pat pat pat patakha' . Slowly her fear started turning into fun. Both of us started singing together whenever there would be drums and crackers. And now, she enjoys it, probably even more than anyone at the marriage!
Fear can be overcome, by conditional training that mixes fun and assurance with learning, that there is no such thing for concern. @urba_mom #urbamom
23 Nov 2018
Suchi Life
Yes, <b><span style="color:#3B5998;"> @5fedec01cccb6d0014097596 </span></b> , sometimes when we behave normal to things.. our babies, start behaving normal and learn to enjoy.
04 Dec 2018
Rebecca Prakash
Just today evening we went to taste of punjab restaurant where dol and high bangra was on. We just danced with her and she was comfortable
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23 Nov 2018
Suchi Life
<span style="color:#3B5998;"> @6372afe017d2c800158d8e3c </span> <b><span style="color:#3B5998;"> @5fedec01cccb6d0014097596 </span></b> If we make fun of <u>things</u> that shouldn't be scary.. our babies will learn to fight their fears with great strength
23 Nov 2018
Vipra Naik
Hey so true even my baby used to cry by cracker noise, so whenever cracker brust I say dhoom dhoom n laugh so he feel it is some fun he laughs <u>tooo</u>
Suchi Life
04 Dec 2018