Pain isn't only a physical discomfort but an experience of the mind and anticipation of the pain results in needless mental suffering. Mindful birth allows you to experience labor as intense physical sensations which arise, peak and pass. To stay focused during childbirth, I used meditation which gave me mental and physical stamina for successful outcome.
Surrendering to the realization that the pain you experiencing is a sacred, miraculous journey can transform your birth. I encourage all future moms to work on meditation for as long as possible because labor can last for hours and pain is always best managed by it.
Remember asking for pain medication even if you intended to have a natural birth is not a failure. Having an unplanned C- section is not a cause for regret if the result is a healthy baby in your arms. Be flexible with the conditions and accept the pain. After all it's a birthday party. So have fun and savor the miracle of childbirth. #preganancy#childbirth#experience#parenthooood#bbcreatorsclub#mimihira#babychakra
Madhavi Cholera
19 Oct 2019