Panel Discussion On:
Eating a lot of fast food in childhood makes it hard to eat healthy in later life, even if related medical problems are already evident. Children are more often attracted to fast food or junk foods, which negatively affects their oral hygiene, as it contains substances. Lets find out more
- Dr Yashika Maggu, Dentist
- Dr Zubeda Tumbi, Dietician and Nutritionist
Dr Pooja Marathe, Community Expert
Date: 5th December 2022
Timing: 4.30 to 5.00 pm
Topic: How Junk Food Affects Dental Health In Kids
For more content from Dr Yashika Maggu follow referral code YASH93531
For more content from Dr Zubeda Tumbi follow referral code DR.97790 #livechat#liveqna#paneldiscussion#childhealth#dentalhygiene