Past few days I saw some questions on weaning. There are many superb articles on weaning in BabyChakra, do check them out gals. Now, from my experience, I would like to share some things about weaning...
#1. Practice what you preach
This you have to do right from pregnancy. For eg. You can't tell your child to respect other without you yourself not doing it, right? Your child learns from you. Similarly, children tend to be most influenced by their mother's food choices. So when you are pregnant, do remember to expose yourself to all types of flavours and healthy foods. The bunny in the tummy is tasting it too! This holds true for breastfeeding phase as well. Just avoid too much spicy and sour foods.
#2. Go slow with the introduction.
As moms, we want our child to have the best of everything. And when starting solids, we want them to eat nutrition dense food, right? But go slow mamma. Baby has his entire life ahead to eat all sorts of food. Introduce food items individually, don't be in a hurry to introduce khichdi soon. Like banana or potato, or say, a carrot. Do not go in for mixing two vegetables or fruits first. This ensures that baby gets to relish different textures and tastes of food.
#3. Never force
Baby may eat a spoon and refuse. Stop right there. Try feeding that food after 2-3 days. Majority of baby's nutrition in first year, still comes from breast milk, so don't be too worried that baby is refusing. Keep trying different foods.
#4. Understand baby cues
What I noticed with my baby was, he quickly got bored with purees and mashable squishy food. He told me "Lady, bring me some real food!", well he didn't really say that, but by 7th month he would literally throw up at the sight of porridges. So I had to move on to chilas, chapattis, khichidis etc. So, if baby is starting to refuse food all the time, maybe your baby is ready to upgrade to an advanced menu.
#5. Always follow the Golden Rule of weaning.
What is it? Introduce any food item in morning. This way, even if baby gets tummy upset, doctor would be easily available during the day. And last but not the least, give the baby new food item for three consecutive days, little by little to see how baby is taking to it. Then introduce the next item.
By 10 months your baby may eat about 3 meals and 2 small snacks(the quantity depends on baby, a meal need not mean a big one). Breast milk is still integral part of baby's diet. Avoid cow's milk, sugar or salt till 12 months and don't give biscuits either.
Trust your instincts and make informed choices... Happy weaning!!!
13 Jul 2017
Sheeba Vijesh
Glad you found it useful dear <font color ="#3b5998"><b> @6372d9a03f31520016a69f94 </b></font><font color ="#3b5998"><b></b></font><font color ="#3b5998"><b></b></font>
07 Sep 2017
Akshaya Naresh
Bookmarked this sheeba!This is going to be super useful!Thank you<u>!</u>
06 Sep 2017
Sheeba Vijesh
<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @637332052338f60015eb0591 </b></font><font color ="#3b5998"><b></b></font> most babies get over by 3 years. some may not.
05 Sep 2017
Lila Sonthalia
<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @6372999217d2c800158d8bec </b></font> my baby vomits when given formula based on cow milk like nan and lactogen<br>
is it necessary cow milk will not suit her in future also?
05 Sep 2017
Sheeba Vijesh
hi <b><font color ="#3b5998"> @616d8ea4b34e550013ec1fe5 </font></b><b><font color ="#3b5998"></font></b><b><font color ="#3b5998"></font></b>, babies do not know the taste of salt or sugar until its introduced to them. so when we think food is tasteless without salt or sugar, it does not really matter to them. salt and sugar are best avoided till 1 year. you could try panam kalkandam which is sweet in recipes, though... read about it here <font color ="#3b5998"><b><a href="">Looking For Sugar Alternatives? How About Some Palm Candy For You & Your Eye Candy?</a></b></font>
Sheeba Vijesh
07 Sep 2017