➡Talk to your baby. It is soothing to hear your voice.
➡When your baby makes sounds, answer him by repeating and adding words. This will help him learn to use language.
➡Read to your baby. This helps her develop and understand language and sounds.
Sing to your baby.
➡Play music. This helps your baby develop a love for music and math.
Praise your baby and give him lots of loving attention.
➡Spend time cuddling and holding your baby. This helps her feel cared for and secure.
➡The best time to play with your baby is when he's alert and relaxed. Watch your baby closely for signs of being tired or fussy so that you can take a break.
❤Parenting can be hard work! Take care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally. It is easier to enjoy your new baby and be a positive, loving parent when you are feeling good yourself.
Varsha Rao
05 Oct 2018