Postpartum Depression is strangely a very common symptom but also the most ignored and unknown. One we conceive our little bundle of joy the roller coaster ride begins.
It's not just the 9months but also what comes after. Somedays are happy days when the baby kicks inside and then thre are days when you feel tired coz of the pain and the weight that you are carrying. And you know what.It's ok to feel frustrated and any mom guilt associated with it is NOT NEEDED. Think about it this way that is is possible for us to carry a heavy load of bag and feel happy about it. No right. So sometimes its fine to feel irritated but days are like these are rare and keep you sane 😊.All coz you know what comes after.
Well quite a number of women including me face post partum depression where our self esteem hits an extreme low, nothing can cheer us,all the time we are just worried about our baby and so much that we can go without sleep for days, even looking at food makes you cry ,in short the hormones are all over us and there is no way to console ourselves.
Well luckily I had read about it and also had a very supportive doctor who helped me get out of this quite smoothly.
Few things that I did are : 1) accept the fact that something is not right with you and your emotions needs support.Believe me by asking help you are doing the best for your self.
2) Read Read Read self help books during your pregnancy. Being aware never hurts and believe me your war is half won if you know what you feel is not normal.
3) Once the baby comes they become our top priority and they should. But a lil bit of time for self like a spa session or a walk in the park for fresh air wont hurt and will help you Be You as well.
4) Spouse and Family Support is so important.Share with your husband about what you are going through and try to spend some alone time with him. Even a cup of coffee would help.
5) Meditation and breathing excercise helps you regulate your hormones and also keeps the mind calm.
I know once we deliver our babies it's very very difficult to find time for ourselves but moms please know that until they are 10months+ they wont even know you are not around all the time and 15-20mins of self care will help you be a more active and MOST IMPORTANTLY A Happy Mommy.
Isha Pal
17 Oct 2019