Question for a gynecologist - Is it possible to get a positive on ovulation strip and later the follicle doesn't rupture but decreases in size???
I have mild pcos and have been trying for a second pregnancy but last month during a transvaginal scan we saw the follicle grew upto 28 mm but did not rupture I got off a period and on a repeated scan we noticed it just decreased in size but no rupture.. This month I used ovulation strips and it showed positive on 21 and 22nd day of cycle and we planned accordingly but my question is can the ovulation strip show positive and still the same thing repeats that happen last month??
Komal Parekh
20 Apr 2017
Dr. Shilpitha
Ovulation is the process of an ovary releasing an egg from the follicle and allowing the egg to float down the fallopian tubes. Just prior to ovulation, a dramatic hormonal change takes place called the LH Surge. Luteinizing hormone (LH) is the hormone that actually facilitates ovulation by causing the egg to separate from the ovarian surface. Ovulation predictor tests function by detecting this luteinizing hormone (LH) surge, thus alerting the woman that ovulation is imminent.. They can give you false positive results. This means that you might not be ovulating but the ovulation prediction kit tells you that you are. Since Ovulation prediction kits measure luteinizing hormone (LH), they can only give you either a positive or a negative result but not a number. they have just measured the luteinizing hormone (LH ) surge with or without the release of an egg. Hence there is a chance that you get a positive ovulation test but do not ovulate... So, egg released or not can be only confirmed by USG...
20 Apr 2017
Roopashree Siddireddy
<font color ="#3b5998"><b> @616d5a27c1b4770013bcb718 </b></font><font color ="#3b5998"><b></b></font>
Dr. Shilpitha
20 Apr 2017