Question of the day
Do you think that the increasing cases of C-Sec is concerning?










Rebecca Prakash

We should also notice the change in baby s weight,  I remember those days babies were born 2kgs 2.5 kgs very rare cases 3 . but look at recent birth 3.5 is minimum, my sister in law had 4 kgs baby girl, so obviously the chances of c section increases. Also the food habits of expecting moms olden days lot of restrictions but even in baby chakra I see many suggest' sab kuch kau' what does that mean?  they are supposed to eat everything which is heathy not everything which is available in road side. So this result in weight gain which again results in C section. Another important point is ladies these days suffer from pcos and other complications so getting pregnant only is big thing so the doctors will not take risk, they are asked to be in bed rest , no going out etc and doesn't take chances so they too end up in C section. Whatever I feel normal or C section mom is mom and I see so many c section moms on their toes immediately, they get back to shape as well.




Sumira Bhatia

It is concerning definitely. Normal deliveries make your life much easier. I specifically went to an old school doctor hoping she wouldn't recommend a C-section during my pregnancy. My baby's head wasn't where it was supposed to be in the 40th week, labour hadn't started on it's own. She just told me to get an ultrasound and told me that they'll have to induce pains and I had two options either to go in for an elective c-sec or induction of labour which may result in c-sec. I asked her what she considered safer.  She said, "I am of the opinion that c-sec should be reserved ONLY for extreme cases and yours isn't extreme". I went in for induced labour which she explained would be harder and longer.  Even during labour my baby turned posterior (I really feel had it been another doc they would've done a c-sec)  but she kept monitoring baby's heart beat and ultimately delivered normally.  she applauded my patience and said a lot of young girls these days don't want to suffer labour pains and go for c-sec during labor when the pains intensifies.  I guess it is both ways,  women and doctors chose the easier option sometimes.  which is concerning for sure




Pragya Malaviya

yes it is ! I want only blame it on Mom's but also on doctors who are preferring this over natural birth.




Kamalini Rao

This is always a debatable topic. Though I always wanted to have normal delivery, I know it wouldn't be happening in my case. Because by 5th month there were many causes like less Amniotic fluid, Baby weight not upto the mark, slow growth, high BP, Thyroid etc. Doctors scared me in 6th month that you should admit today only. I took opinions of 3 different doctors in 3 different Hospitals. I don't feel like Dr's always opt for c sec. but if there are circumstances to consider health of mom and baby they may chose this. With healthy diet, lifestyle, recovery after c sec is not difficult. Also, from 3rd month if Dr's encourage patients to start physical exercises for normal delivery it might also be helpful.




Leena Pandyya

@priya sood yes natural were more but neonatal and maternal deaths were also more!



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