🌧 Rains , Monsoon, Baarish, Varsha. It’s a form of blessing. To err is human, try being divine. . 🌧 Do not crib for the flu, wet those feet at times. Runny nose may stop but these dews won’t be there for more than 4 months. . 🌧 No outdoors is great for you to try different activities with your kids. Stay in with your loved ones- a cuppa tea and little talks is what you’ll remember. . 🌧 It’s the best time for you to be with your kids in your space with your belongings.No gaming zones, no slides , no ball pools. Interact with them as much. . 🌧 Lastly the thing you crib about is the thing feeds you for the rest of the year. Think. It’s not pouring for you to stay home, you aren’t that important. It’s for Mother Earth to flourish and yield. #inasandmamas
Kavita Sahany
15 Aug 2019