I am a mother of 2 boys, and it rang a very loud bell in my head when I read about the atrocities happening to women around the world. It becomes paramount to teach our boys and girls the value and importance of equality, respect and being non judgemental. Its hard to raise boys against the follow, you know why, because there are people always telling you you should let the boys be boys. I tell anyone saying this to me that I am raising humans who are responsible, loving and supportive. I want my boys to know what it is that a woman goes through a lonely ride in bus,
What it is to be eve teased, what it feels like when you are shamed for being different than others. I want my boys to know the pain a lady goes during mensuration, I want them to know that breastfeeding is normal. Breasts and vaginas are body parts with bodily functions and not sexual objects of desire. I want my boys to respect people, and not judge them based on their color, caste,looks, status, clothes but on their action. I know I am swimming against the flow here, and it will be difficult, both for me and my boys. But change starts with self and if I want a better world for my kids I have to start with my home my family #momsoftheworld#momlife#Ram#mykids#parenting#parents#mylife#myboys#bloggermom#madewithlove#mwl#parenthood#bethechange#myboys #tantrums#babychakra#bccreatorsclub
Madhavi Cholera
30 Aug 2019