Repost @thatmomabigail
Why does the older generation think that holding your child is a bad thing?
Oh because it will teach them that you’ll be there for them when they are upset? ...isn’t that the point?! Isn’t the point to teach them that no matter what, you are going to be there for them when they need you?
We need to get out of the mindset that holding your child when they cry is a bad thing. I think if we were held more as children, we wouldn’t be a generation that is terrified to ask for help. We wouldn’t ridden with anxiety and in constant fear that the people we love won’t be there for us. Maybe if we were held more, we would have more confidence and we would know that no matter what, the people who love us will be there for us.
There are so many benefits to cuddling your child. Studies have shown that it boosts your babies IQ, helps reduce stress and anxiety for both you and your child, teaches them how to show affection, strengthens their immune system as well as promotes physical growth. There’s also the benefit of your child knowing that any time he or she needs you and calls out for you, you are going to be there. It doesn’t mean that you have to go running towards your child every time they whine but just understanding that holding them and cuddling them when they need you, is not a bad thing.
Our job is to be there for our children when they need us. To be their emotional rock. To be the person they always come to no matter how old they are. To know that you will never judge them for their mistakes but welcome them with open arms. Stop shaming mothers for holding their babies when they cry.
Have you ever been told to let your baby cry? Or to stop holding them so much? How did you react?"