Right brain development is stimulating right brain to develop greater sensitivity, imagination, creativity rather than focusing on just academic achievements The difference between the right brain and the left brain: The right brain;has creative and intuitive senses. The right side of the brain controls the visualisation ability; which also controls the photographic memory ability. It also helps a child process information quickly. The left brain;controls the logic and reasoning abilities Stimulating a child’s visual memory and doing fast-paced activities can help to nurture and develop the right brain.
By stimulation the right and left brain at the same time, it helps to synergise both sides of the brain and to increase the capacity of the whole brain. Which enables the child to learn more efficiently and effectively. Best time to introduce right brain training
As per researchers newborn's right brain capabilities are much higher than right brain because the brain develops from right side to left side.
Ideal time to introduce right brain training is 0-6 years & you will be shocked to learn that the rate of learning right brain will decrease with the growing age. When right brain training is not given upto the age of 6, the child's left brain becomes more dominant.
Right brain trained children have qualities like -
1. Good photographic memory
2. Good IQ
3. Good imaging power
4. Speed learning, speed Reading, good listening power
5. Multiple languages
6. Good with calculations
7. Creative talent, sports excellence
8. Good intuition
9. Good with music, empathetic & a happy child.
Activities -
1. Flashing of flash cards quickly
2 Tangram puzzles
3. Play visual memory games
4. Developing your child’s emotional quotient through –Music,;Pretend Play, storytelling.
5. Visual discrimination activities
Take away It is a different and distinct approach from traditional education where left brain is more dominant. The information received by the child when he was in his sub-consciousness state forms his character, nature and talent
The right brain learns through images
Right brain is the brain of sub consciousness and unconsciousness .
Deepika Hindi
20 Apr 2022