As parents, there’s nothing more important than your child’s safety. This is something we are always concerned about and by default we’re overprotective about them but very often we forget to teach them some basic safety rules. In today’s world where we hear so much about children getting exploited in ways that are unimaginable. It becomes our duty to make them strong, independent and instilling safety for themselves right from their childhood.
Below are some important things to keep in mind and can be taught after they’re three years old. So that they understand and with time they can even start protecting themselves too.
Safety rules that kids should be knowing: •No one is allowed to touch you inappropriately. •Knowing home address and phone numbers (a five year old can memorise it) •Never go anywhere with a stranger •Do not eat anything that anyone gives you outside (It’s okay to spoil them with chocolates and an extra cookie at home) •Nobody can pick you from school except mom and dad! (You need to tell them this every single day) •If anything goes wrong..try to speak to mum or dad! (Make it a point to talk about what all happened at school..every day after returning from school)
jessy oberoi
28 Feb 2020