Sand is a toy - I believe the less the toy does, the child learns more!
Have you ever thought of an inexpensive toy? and that toy also could help your child gain immunity too? surprised?..Let me put some light over what I mean,
Our children are more busy these days with electronic, plastic and expensive toys that do not entertain them more than few minutes...I know you’d definitely agree to this. We take them to play centres, amusement parks and all of that sort. But have you thought of making them play with sand anytime? like we used to in our childhood me, your child will love playing with it and learn some skills too.
You need to know the benefits of sand play: ✅It helps in developing fine motor and gross play (messy play) skills. ✅This skill is rather developed faster in kids if encouraged to play in sand called as eye & hand coordination – watching and doing and coordinating these actions. * What can be more exciting than seeing them being creativite(making something out of it) and imagination through role and developing stories. * Development of senses - touch, feel! * Language development – playing with sand is a social activity requiring speaking and listening, also developing speech.
You don’t have to think much on this, get your child to a park..allow her to have some play time in sand. Sand is such a great sensory toy for babies and toddlers as they explore their sense of touch and play and discover the wonderful texture of sand. This will keep them busy for hours together and promotes encouraging them imaginative play.
Little story time : I often take Simra to parks and garden, where she is free to have her ‘play-in-sand-time’. She makes something out of it, finds tiny objects, collects and throws it somewhere, touches and feels it. In short, she loves playing with sand, I’m glad I found this inexpensive toy!
Drop your comments on how you manage to keep them busy with outdoor activities!
18 Jan 2020