There are many of us who suffer from self-love. Basically, most of our life issues arise from this. Especially ladies who take care of everyone at their home, love & takecare of everyone but they literally forget to take care and love themselves. But, we should remember only if we love ourselves, we can truely love everyone else.
1) Start devoting some time to yourself to understand what you think about yourself,
2) It is our belief system, which leads to our thought process, inturn which leads to our actions and words, these actions become our habits inturn forming belief system. So, this is a viscious circle. If negativity enters this cycle, i.e, our belief system, there is only one way out to break the chain. Change our thought process. Not an easy task, but nit impossible. I just penned down these words because I am sure there are many among us who are unknowingly trapped in this cycle. Recently, I started answering queries related to self improvement on one of the sites, and I really got upset that there are so many who suffer from self love, confidence, anxiety and so on. So. this is the key to it. It is all within us. Start working on yourself and many of your problems get resolved by itself. What others think about you is not important, what you think about yourself is important. Then and only then you will be able to discard all the garbage that gets accumulated over you (your mind)
Sania Bhushan
27 May 2020