#Sidonbabychakra - Tales From Nani Home So Sid has come to stayover at Nani Mom's house for Janmashtami and the visit has begun well. This is his first stay over and daddy is still with us till tonight but the next four days, me and Siddy boy will be with Nani Mom. Sid's Nani Maasi is here for company too and the Janmashtami celebrations kicked off with Sid being adored and pampered with new clothes and gifts. He has recivered well for the vaccine fever and seems to be most relaxed than I ever saw him ever since born. He is sleeping longer, better and waking uo to feed with bita of playtime.
I finally got to roam around in my hot pants, lock myself in my room and apply some nail paint after a paedicure! Seems like eternity. I am loving my trip and realized how different things are with mommy around at my birth home!! What about you guys? What is your kiddo upto this #janmashtami2018 ? #babychakrababy#babychakramoms#babychakra#kolkatamoms
02 Sep 2018
Satarupa B
Hugs to you momma <b><span style="color:#3B5998;"> @619a92cd86bd960014c02de9 </span></b> i am sure it is tougher than anything to see kids suffer. I hope things will sort out soonest for u
06 Sep 2018
ritu singhal
Ohh man,Siddy boy posing with tongue out 😊..We are both under the weather where my little radha is crying out of pain and irritation. Never thought we would not be celebrating janmashtmi this year..It's sad to see kids in vain and even worse to be helpless.
Satarupa B
06 Sep 2018