Everytime a person smiles/laugh, it doesn't really mean the person is very happy. But being able to smile in any situation is very important, it reduces stress and helps in returning back to happiness is easier.
Let happiness become a habit in their life, just like we teach them to brush their teeth daily, we need to take efforts to teach them to be always smiling.
Following are the tips to help kids to keep on smiling & laughing in their life:
1) Do narrate such stories to your kids, which tell them the importance of a little smile on their faces. 2) Helping kids to develop a good sense of humour. 3) Kids at times have mood swings on the other hand we have also seen them getting excited and laughing at small little things e.g, laughing while hearing to some funny sounds.; 4) Family play time filled with laughter. 5) Magic of smileys and cartoon images. 6) Last but not the least, parents should always be smiling and laughing. This has the maximum impact on your kids.
Pooja Singh
30 Jan 2020